
Dark Truth Behind Why We Might Have To Leave EARTH Soon!

Human Evolution Future

Do you wonder about the future of human evolution future? Want to know about the dark truth of why people should leave Earth soon and establish colonies on another planet? Read the article to learn about the need for another world just like Earth!

In this article, I will discuss the necessity of Earth and how the different aspects help the planet house living beings! Now the question remains: is it what humans do? Finish all the resources of one planet and move to another.

Is that what we hint at as saying dark truth, especially when leaving Earth soon and colonizing another planet? Explore more after you read this blog and understand what is happening!

Dark Truth Behind Why We Might Have To Leave EARTH Soon!

Dark Truth Behind Why We Might Have To Leave EARTH Soon!

Human beings are an adventurous lot because they keep looking for new things that will prove repeatedly that they are alive! Being adventurous is one thing, but along with it, being practical leads to humans looking for a backup planet!

Please read the article to learn about human evolution and how it increases the hope of future growth and survival of the human species. The possibility of life and thriving on another planet is something that scientists can let go of as an idea!

It is because if we don’t keep looking at life, we will never be able to make sure. To prove that we know more, it is important to keep looking so that life in this great Universe can mean many things.

Future Of Human Evolution!

Future Of Human Evolution

According to the historical, ecological, and scientists studying the development of Earth, there is a drag from the Sun’s outer atmosphere, which is decreasing the orbital radius of Earth.

The drag from the chromosphere of the Sun will influence the orbit of the Earth, leading to the loss of counterbalance of the Earth! So, it is almost 7.59 billion years until Earth is engulfed by the Sun.

An Oasis in the Solar System, Earth is an eco-system that houses people, and as they say, “there is no place like home”! It is a one-of-a-kind world that is difficult to replicate or copy, but the question remains!

The dark truth of the matter is that Earth is locked with the Sun in a tidal drag, which will result in its destruction. Are there actual habitable planets available? Do we need to have a backup world for our future generation? Continue reading to know more!

Why Are Scientists Looking For Another Planet?

Why Are Scientists Looking For Another Planet_

Scientists are looking for another planet, and there are several reasons for that! The first is the natural curiosity of being humans and looking for proof of life across the galaxy.

The second reason is more tangible, considering the study of all planets and the Sun proves that Earth will be destroyed. For survival and human evolution, we must look for a replacement for the Earth!

In the vast space of the Universe, the question is, are we completely alone? The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has worked on it for decades. Another reason for performing research is based on the scientific requirement, especially with the resources available at our fingertips.

Telescopes Webb and Hubble are used to evaluate the potential habitability and presence of extraterrestrial life. However, Earth is the only rock in the Universe as per the evidence to date! But the way it is connected with the Sun, there is a dark truth that lies ahead for all human beings, and it is inevitable destruction.

How Are Scientists Looking For Another Planet?

How Are Scientists Looking For Another Planet_

Scientists are working on their search for another planet, which can be called narcissistic, practical, and adventurous! People make movies about it, and there are several controversial theories about it; however, frankly, it is like finding a needle in the cosmic haystacks.

According to the director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell, astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger, if humans keep looking for other planets habitable like Earth, it will help us learn something about our own Earth.

The expectations of finding a new planet for humans keep increasing, especially with the developed technology, allowing us to travel 25 trillion miles within 17,157 years! In the 1960s, Astronomer Frank Drake developed an equation that informs us of the probability of Alien life!

However, based on the evidence from the Milky Way, there are more odds for this equation. In the solar system in the Universe, there are several planets that scientists are checking for the probability of the existence of life or the possibility that it can be turned into a long-term colony!

Humans And Their Imagination Of Another World!

From movies to series, we humans keep imagining another world like Earth with people who are similar to humans or aliens, sometimes helpful and other times, the antagonists of the stories! What does that tell about us as a species?

Are we looking for other people like us in the galaxy, or is it just our narcissistic nature that forces us to check that no one is like us in the wide Universe? Wondering why scientists keep looking for new life in other worlds?

When investigating life on planets across the solar system, such as Mars, Moon, Uranus, Jupiter, etc. The need to integrate and support colonies of humans for the long term is a backup plan, especially for when the Earth is going to be destroyed by the Sun.

Four billion years ago, Earth took form, but it didn’t look like what it seems right now. The possibility of life on other planets is an interesting way of knowing if humans can go to other planets if life on Earth might be at risk!

Looking For Other Planets…

Now that you know there is no evidence of another habitable planet in the Universe, the question of Earth’s ultimate end puts you in an uneasy bubble.

Why is it so important to have a backup planet rather than Earth, especially when evaluating the potentiality of survival? In the grand scheme of things, the Universe has Earth as the perfect ecosystem, but several failed quests have still proven the fact we already know: there is no second Earth!

Comment on your thoughts about Earth being the only planet efficient enough to house living beings!

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