Write For Us

If you think you can write quality content that is worthy of sharing, you can write guest posts for us. We support content writers from all around the world. Since Worthytoshare.net is a multi-niche platform, writers can write on various niches and share those with us. Just make sure you maintain these rules while writing.

  • Articles should be 100% original and unique.
  • Articles should be non-plagiarised. We do not condone plagiarism at any cost.
  • The article title should not exceed 65 characters.
  • The use of pointers, H2s, and H3s is highly encouraged.
  • All images used in articles should be copyright-free.
  • Use the ‘no follow’ link on our website; however, if you wish to follow the do-follow link, then contact us.
  • If you have guests posted on your website, we reserve the right to own the content.
  • The Author bios should be between 20-40 words.

If you have any further queries, you can contact us by filling up the form given on our website. You can share your articles and thoughts with us by filling up this form, Or if you have some specific queries related to your website, you can mail us at webmaster@redhatmedia.net