
How To Blend SEO & Content Marketing For Your Website

Content Marketing

When we speak of Search Engine Optimization, our mind automatically moves to the technical sphere of digital marketing. It becomes all about keyword density, HTML, mobile friendliness, and everything that gets us on Google crawlers’ good side.

But is that really all?

Is technical all that is required for content marketing?

To begin with, there is a difference between content marketing & SEO.

Content marketing is all about delivering exciting content to your readers. This means your website will have overall alluring content that gets the highest organic audience and makes them stay.

Then what is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization of your website is all about making your website stand out to Google Analytics. Yes, it can be your technical off-page SEO or creative on-page SEO, which plays a role, especially when we are talking about content marketing.

In this excerpt below, we will discuss how you can incorporate it into your website. So, keep reading if you are asking yourself how to optimize your website’s content for SEO?

The technicality of it!


The aesthetic of it!

Blending SEO With Content Marketing

Here is an overall plan as a beginner to blend both to make your new website near perfect. For your audience and your browser!

Blending SEO With Content Marketing

1. Make It Useful

Redundancy was yesterday, and useless ornamentation too. Nowadays, people have two scarcities; time & attention. Therefore, whenever they open your website, they want to be surprised by its functionality.

No useless pop-ups, no forceful cookies shoving down their throat, and no inability to close advertisements. Yes, you can ask your audience to sign up for your newsletter or run Google advertisements. The focus should remain on one thing-

What the audience wants!

Why have they stumbled across your website?

The better you are able to deliver that, the happier your audience will be. Vis a vis, more the chance of them coming back when they see your name again.

2. Conduct A Keyword Research

When it comes to SEO planning, the most crucial building block is keyword research. Without meaningful research, you will never be able to bring relevant content to your website as well as the blog. Well-thought keyword research offers you the following:

– A clear indication of things your target audience is searching online.

– What type of content will you need to cater to your consumers? 

– Efforts to answer them effectively.

Make sure you are efficiently using the keyword, which can either be a phrase or a word. They must be strategically and judiciously placed in your content to match the searcher’s intent. 

Using keywords in the introduction as well as in the concluding paragraphs of the content ultimately boosts its value. Also, remember to add them in your SEO Title, URL as well as Meta Description to get a higher ranking.

3. Entertain Them As Well

The purpose of your website is not just to praise the browsing algorithm gods so that your props as the first search results. Even if they do, if your website is not entertaining enough, it will simply fall into the hands of bounce rates.

Bounce rates give your website a bad reputation. Algorithms might even think that you are practicing black hat SEO. Soon they will stop recommending your website against any keyword search.

To prevent this from happening, you need to make your website entertaining as well.

– Enhance the readability of your content. Let them find answers, but also make it fun to read.

– Add pictures and animations to make it look aesthetically pleasing.

– Add feature stories or snippets submitted by the readers themselves.

– Do not rely just on chatbots, but also allow them one free one-on-one chat reply to any of their queries.

Make it a space to engage!

4. Prioritise Quality Over Quantity

How often you publish new content might be an important consideration for search engines to identify the website’s value. But this never indicates that you can publish anything just because you have to. 

In blending SEO efforts with content marketing, always prioritize quality over quantity. You might try:

– Creating content that is relevant to your niche. 

– It must bring some value to the target audience and educate them.

Using a keyword research tool can help you discover different topic ideas people are actually looking up on search engines. Curate content on such topics to become relevant on SERPs.

5. Make It Credible

Authoritative websites all over the world have gained that reputation because of their credibility. They have received that honor because of the trust their audiences have in their content. If you want to make your website credible enough to reach that level of decree, follow these steps:

– Always make navigation simple. It shouldn’t look like you are trying to confuse your audience within the haze which is your website.

– Try to add original pictures. Buy pictures if needed rather than using stock-free images.

– Whenever you add any content, check spelling and grammar. Poor proofreading reflects badly on any admin.

– Be true to your facts. False clickbait facts can put a ‘scarlet letter’ on your website.

– Link to authority sites to give proof of your immaculate research and to show that your facts and figures are well-checked.

– Engage your audience outside the website, cue: your social media platforms.

6. Link Building

Backlinks remain a significant factor for Google ranking. They are a great endorsement of your blog on other websites. The most efficient way to acquire a backlink from other authority websites is via quality content. 

It ultimately results in traffic increase as well as authority. But you might have to conduct a few steps like:

– Thoroughly checking your competitor’s site and who links on their sites. 

– Approaching them to insert links on your content. This ensures your content offers value. 

The Bottom Line

These are some efficient tips and tricks to effectively combine Content marketing with SEO and market your products and services digitally. Make sure to share your content, repurpose them on social media and send newsletters to clients. 

If you follow these steps, chances are your website will get a good ranking on search engines. So, this was all about it! Keep following our articles to gain useful insight into SEO and content marketing.

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Arnab Das is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.

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