
Did You Know The Meaning Of A Murder Of Crows Actually Has A Folktale Attached To It?

a murder of crows meaning

We often share our space with crows, so are you familiar with the phrase murder of crows? Do you have any idea regarding how crows are sensitive to emotions? Today, I will discuss the myriad of meanings and underlying symbolisms related to crows. 

Often, we take things for granted as humans, especially those commonplace things like insects and birds, and crows are one such bird species! The birds mostly move in groups, so it is normal for you to come across a group of crows on a tree. Do you wonder what to call them? Did you know a murder of crows is what we call a group of crows? 

It is one of the popular terms people use to address the group. Even though there are other names such as parcel, muster, horde, or mob! Crows are social birds, so we can learn more about them, especially since they have been in history books for a long time. 

Not just in real life, but the folklore and legends keep bringing the Corvus into question, highlighting many superstitions and beliefs that humans have with them. Without wasting any more time, let’s get into that. Explore the phrase “a murder of crows meaning”!

The Harbinger Of Doom 

The Harbinger Of Doom
Are Crows predatory?

In the poem “The Raven,” Edgar Allen Poe immortalizes crows! The poem is a part of a Vincent Price horror movie in 1963. There is an apparent difference between crows and ravens regarding physicality, as the ravens have a bigger bill and a larger shape of tails.

Even their flight pattern differs along with the variation in their feather colors; however, overall, there are significant common characteristics. According to many movies, crows are the harbinger of doom; for example, in Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds,” they attacked schoolchildren. 

Other movies, video games, books, and TV shows show these birds as predators or aggressive. For example, in the popular series Game of Thrones, crows and ravens connect with Jon Snow and Bran. These actions hold a lot of symbolic value.

Crows are seen as a significant part of superstitions and folk tales! In most tales, they have shades of negativity. However, some have described them as an integral part of the human world. But the question remains: why is the term “murder” used when addressing a group of crows?

Did You Know The Meaning Of A Murder Of Crows Has A Folktale Attached To It? 

Did You Know The Meaning Of A Murder Of Crows Has A Folktale Attached To It_
Crows prefer staying together as a family!

Before we go into the literal and symbolic meaning of the murder of crows, I need to discuss how crows are in real life, along with their symbolization in life! I am here to mention crows who have been featured in folklore.

For example, if you listen to A Great Reckoning, you will observe that the phrase has been mentioned a few times. So, “a murder of crows” might come from folklore; however, there is no exact evidence. There is also a folktale where several crows gather to decide on the capital fate of another crow! 

It sounds like the tale of old wives, but you cannot completely neglect the connection between crows and murder, especially when humans have a war history! Maybe the crows became addicted to waiting around the battlefield with blood, gore, and dead bodies rotting and dissipating! 

Accordingly, I will connect that to the probable reasons why a group of crows is addressed as murder! You can even dissect their meaning and symbolization, gathering insight into why we use the term.

Crows In Real Life… 

Crows In Real Life…
Crow in their natural habitat

Known for their adaptability and intelligence, crows have always been a part of the human imagination! I am always fascinated by how crows are interpreted in some of my favorite storybooks.

For example, in Shakespeare’s drama Hamlet, the death of Ophelia is symbolized by the use of crowflowers! Even in the drama The Comedy of Errors, the crow is used when there is a conversation between Antipholus of Ephesus and Dromio of Ephesus!

There have been several other stories and dramas by Shakespeare where crows have played their part in real life or symbolization! Due to the perceived negative energy from crows as a form of entity, many people might hurt their psyche after they see a crow.

Based on symbolism, crows are considered predatory birds in many cultures. So, there is also a relativity between these creatures and supernatural events. They are deemed otherworldly, along with a representation of evil. There have been stories and incidents when crows are associated with ghosts!

Crows In Folklore… 

Crows In Folklore…
Crows were considered a bad omen!

In Swedish folktales, there is a term, “Krakriksdag,” which means a trial conducted by crows, roughly translated to “crow’s parliament“! The story goes where the crows are acquitted, and if the crow is found guilty, it is torn apart by others. 

However, there is a possibility that black crows might have positive implications if you have seen them. Even the spiritual beliefs confirm that crows might be connected with spirits and act like messengers from the gods.

Crows’ spiritual and physical existence in humans’ lives might mean a lot regarding major changes. If you have recently been constantly encountering crows, prepare for a big change in your spiritual and physical existence.

Corvids or crows are mystical creatures with a history in Norse mythology that goes back 1000 years. In ancient cultures, crows are one of the most common bird symbols in many religions and mythologies. Crows are intricately related to tricksters and oracles as they have been identified as messengers of sages and deities. 

Beyond the ordinary experience, the black feathered creatures that live in the real world, however, have connections to many supernatural beliefs and perceptions. Odin, the omniscient God, is one of the chief gods with a pair of ravens called Munin (mind) and Hugin (Thought). 

The ravens are perched on his shoulders, and every day at daybreak, they fly out to observe the world to learn what’s happening. In folklore, the ravens ask everyone questions, even the dead, to know what is happening! They used to come back by sunrise and whisper everything to their master.

Literal Meaning Of Murder Of Crows! 

Literal Meaning Of Murder Of Crows!
Harbinger of Doom or Warriors?

So now it is natural for you to ask why use the word ‘Murder’ when addressing a group of crows. Well, I am here to tell you that there might be several explanations for why a group of crows is called a “murder of crows”! But the phrase’s origin mostly originates in superstitions and old folk tales. 

The appearances of crows together at times are interpreted or perceived as an omen of death. This perception developed after the general association of crows with cemeteries, battlefields, and dead bodies. These birds are expected to move in a circle to settle and harp on whatever dead are finally lying around, whether humans or animals. 

The term mostly reflects a poetic and colorful perception of how crows are associated with humans and other animals! Therefore, there is no exact origin from where it all began! Other interesting examples of such names include: 

  • A skulk of foxes. 
  • A knot of frogs. 
  • A parliament of owls. 
  • An ostentation of peacocks. 

In most cases, crows have a history of fear and loathing among humans. However, there is no justified reason for that to happen! A member of the Corvidae family, crows are related to magpies, ravens, and blue jays. Often, farmers are tired of protecting their crops and seedlings from crows! 

With feathers, the color of night, crows are misinterpreted in most cases, especially when they are one of the smartest animals on the planet! 

One of the most common bird rows is often misinterpreted concerning their presence. They also are misconstrued concerning their presence with death and tragedies, and yet, there is no evidence to prove it.

The social and behavior dynamics of crows 

The social and behavior dynamics of crows
Literature deems crows as evil!

Crows belong to a tight-knit family as they are considered social animals! They think horned owls, raccoons, and red-tailed hawks are their enemies; therefore, it might be one of the reasons they roost in thousands to protect themselves. They can make about 250 calls, one of which is a distress call! 

It is important to understand that crows are quite loyal, so even if they see another crow in distress who is not related to them, they will help! They have the distress call to ask for help from other crows, so they respond to others irrespective of who they are. 

Another significant characteristic of crows is that they mate for life. You will be shocked to know that many crows’ reproductive systems are connected to humans; hence, the number of crows has also increased with recent human development.

Even though some species belonging to the Corvids family might be extinct, crows are in no danger of becoming extinct! The mixed species are getting endangered because of the destruction of the Southeast Asian rainforest, which makes the species vulnerable. 

Did You Know Where The Phrase Came From? 

Did You Know Where The Phrase Came From_
Crows were a common occurrence during wartime!

Exactly, no one knows where the phrase murder and crows started from, but now it has become a popular practice! However, I can give you an idea of how it all began from old folk tales and the common perception that crows are related to death and tragedy. 

One prominent example that I can draw of the poetic occurrence of the term “murder” with the group of crows is in a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. It was called “Murders in the Rue Morgue,” and several instances of a folktale were described. 

In the folktale, the phrase “murder of crows” reflected a group of crows deciding on another crow’s fate! The other crows come together to decide on the capital’s fate, resembling murder.

Furthermore, it has also been interpreted in the old days that when crows keep circling sites where humans or animals are expected to die, it is an omen! Therefore, I understand that even though you can call a group of crows a flock, murder seems more dramatic and corresponds to the omen. 

Symbolization When You See Crows… 

Symbolization When You See Crows…
Crows symbolize extinction!

A crow’s black feathers and shiny eyes are quite ominous, especially when it accompanies the bone-chilling caws! At times, it is scary, as there may be so many superstitions and legends surrounding these birds.

Mystery is a part of crow, so what do you learn about their symbolization? In ancient civilizations, people believed that the arrival or presence of crows meant destruction, depression, death, and unhappiness.

Many urban legends claim the crow symbolizes misfortune and bad luck if humans constantly see them. However, it is more about how they behave! A single crow is perceived as a negative symbol as it is reputed for being dark-colored along with a tendency to be in a group. 

It might make you feel worried if you see a lot of crows at once, but trust me, what is supposed to happen will happen! Everything is inevitable, so you must pay close attention to your everyday work and effectively bring change.

Do not ever be hopeless because folklore or superstition is one thing, while your belief in yourself is another! Stay strong and focus on your growth instead of feeling helpless with superstitions related to crows.

Fun Facts About Murder Of Crows 

Fun Facts About Murder Of Crows

You already know that the phrase comes with meanings and symbolism. Much of the association with phrase also comes from how we usually see or perceive crows in our daily lives. However, it’s time to know this phrase is related to a board game and a 1998 thriller movie.

Murder Of Crows Board Game 

In 2012, Atlas Games came up with a board game called “Murder of Crows.” It is a game involving two to five members. The game further challenges you to be the first player to spell the word “Murder.” You will have to use the cards in your hands to complete the spelling. 

The cards in this game have five letters mentioned on them, and there is also a wild card, which, of course, can change the game anytime. The wild card is called the “Wild Crow card.”

At the beginning of the game, each player has a total of five cards in their hands. On each turn, the player has to draw a card and play a card. Each player can also draw two cards on their turn. 

Each card in this game has a special power. Let’s know the meanings of the cards. 

Misplace (M)

The M card in this game means “misplace.” When you have this card in your hands, you will have to draw a card from the murder or the collection of cards laid on the table by one of your fellow players. You will be able to add that card to your collection. 

Uncover (U)

Do you want to know about the cards other players have in their hands? You can play the U or uncover card to see the cards and add the one of your choice to your collection. 

Reap ( R )

If you have the R or reap card in your hands, you will have to draw another card. 

Drain (D)

Using this card, you can choose one letter. There is also a possibility for all players to discard any of those cards or letters. 

Expel (E)

With the use of the expel card, all the players drop their cards and they have to collect three new cards. 

A Murder Of Crows Movie 

You will be thrilled to know that in 1998, a thriller movie called “A Murder of Crows” was released. This one-hour and 42-minute movie was directed by Rowdy Herrington. In this movie, a lawyer, being expelled from his legal duties, pens down his experience in the form of a book. 

The lawyer meets a person to whom he reads out the manuscript. Unfortunately, the other person passes away, and the lawyer tries to pass off the book as his work.

However, after being published, the book becomes very popular, and the lawyer gets arrested on the charge of murder of the five lawyers who have a mention in the book. The movie proceeds, showing how the lawyer tries to find yourself in the process of trying to prove him innocent.

Finishing Off… 

I have shared some of the most interesting facts related to crows, especially from the phrase, a murder of crows meaning! You might sometimes feel that it is because you have seen a crow that your time is not going well or you are suffering challenges, but do not let it bring you down. 

You will have to learn how it is inevitable to follow a situation that keeps happening in life; however, losing hope is not the way. It would be best to remember that phrases such as these are mere words, which does not necessarily mean that things will go wrong for you. 

I agree that crows resemble dark themes in our lives, mostly related to tragedy or death. However, it does not mean that it is something that is a part of your life or will occur at that moment! 

Comment on what you think is the symbolization of crows in real life or folklore. Do you believe crows are an omen of bad luck, or are they messengers of God?

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sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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