
What Makes You A Leader: 7 Effective Leadership Traits


“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

The comment made by Bill Gates, entrepreneur, and Co-Founder of  Microsoft is evocative of the fact that great strides have been taken by humanity, since the onset of civilization.

Right from the Mars Mission to that of designing Satellites to connect the entire world to that of 4Gs and the 5G, human beings did them all.

All the changes were fuelled and driven by visionary Leadership. The article would go on to discuss 7 key areas of Traits that make up effective Leadership.

The 7 Effective Leadership Traits

The 7 Effective Leadership Traits

There are 7 effective leadership skills that help sharpen the knowledge of a leader and prepare them to face the challenge of tomorrow.

1. Compelling Vision And Inspired Actions

Every successful journey is attributed to precision planning. The leaders of a Team will have to plan and the entire planning needs to be governed by a vision. This denotes Leadership planning needs to be governed by a vision. One could learn more about leadership coaching from past experiences.

Planning minus vision is null and void. When Amazon Started its actions Jeff Bezos visioned that the company would turn out to be the world’s most customer-centric company.

And look what sort of implementation it has been!! There are not too many on earth that have great people to reach than Amazon.

2. They Have the Utmost Optimism

A leader who has planned a vision needs to be highly positive and optimistic regarding its implementation. Planning gets restrained at different junctures. There might be a lack of expertise, economic support, or knowledge.

But the leader needs to be optimistic enough to give shape to the entire planning. The leader needs to be highly optimistic about his planning so that it is perpetuated into reality.

For example, Google, Microsoft, Facebook had extremely humble beginnings… but the leaders had faith in their planning and execution.

When  Mahatma Gandhi led the Salt Satyagraha, few believed that the long journey of 24 days would end up with astounding success.

3. Leaders Treat Others The Way They Want To Be Treated

3. Leaders Treat Others The Way They Want To Be Treated

A leader sets the vision and shows the goals. The entire team of experts will do their distinctive part to reach the same goal.

The leader needs to know the strong points as well as the weak points of their team. This helps the leader delegate tasks according to their competency.

Therefore in the eyes of a leader teammates are the same, and the leaders can not be biased toward specific members of the group.

4. They Admit Their Mistakes

Because the leaders take charge, sometimes they take decisions that might not conform to the ultimate goal of the project. Consequently, at some point, the project might go on to see some initial failure.

At this time the Leader needs to sit with their team and try to know the area where better decisions could have been taken.

The leader needs to be prepared to accept any kind of failure. This makes the entire team charged and the team comes out with fresh planning.

Admitting the mistakes and learning from a subordinate is an extremely strong point and improves upon the leadership skills of a leader.

5. Leaders Are Great Communicators

5. Leaders Are Great Communicators

The success of a project depends entirely upon synergy and cooperation. Leaders oversee each and every minute area of a project and understand that the success of a project depends on collaborative efforts.

Leaders need to be persuasive, Friendly, Strict enough to ventilate their plans to their subordinates. Motivation also requires good communication skills.

Notable example of people with great communication skills includes  Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, and Oprah Winfrey. You won’t notice that they will pursue magical communication skills.

6. Successful Leaders Are Highly Knowledgeable

You name any leaders who were not knowledgeable enough, Napoleon, Marco polo, Steve Jobs, Sundar Pichai Ashoka—all were erudite in their own fields.

If you are not knowledgeable enough probably you won’t be able to guide others. You need to have enough knowledge regarding the basics.

Otherwise, constructive thought processes won’t be built on a leader. And as I told you knowledge and Skills make great leadership.

7. Leading From The Front And Decisive

7. Leading From The Front And Decisive

A leader needs to be highly decisive in their action- Simply put forth, leaders can and must not be diplomatic.

It needs to either say yes on no to any development. This it needs to adhere to based on its own understanding of things.


In order to conclude it could be understood and identified that Leaders need to constantly work hard to develop these exclusive Qualities. These qualities essentially sharpen the leadership skills and competencies in the long run.

Leaders need to be quick and agile to learn from the past and carry forward the gleaned experience towards future projects. Therefore my advice to you…try to sharpen the aforementioned skills to go forward in life- whatever job you do.

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Sumona is the publisher for Worthy To Share. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions at SmartBusinessDaily and TheDailyNotes

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