
Unsettling Serial Killer Facts That Will Haunt You

Serial Killer facts

Have you not thought of what happens in the head of a serial killer?

What are they really thinking when they strike?

In this blog post, we will explore serial killers’ facts and their dark and twisted world. They can go from shocking cold murder methods to scary psychological profiles.

We are already getting the shivers as we research the nightmare-worthy facts of these cold-blooded murderers.

As you go through these bone-chilling facts, remember how facts can be stranger than friends sometimes (like so much!).

Who is A Serial Killer

Who is A Serial Killer

A serial killer is usually a person who has killed at least three victims at intervals of time, with pauses (i.e., cooling-off periods) in between. This is because they decide on their victims by specific features or habits.

Or a certain body profile, the kind we see most when it comes to serial killers like Ted Bundy, BTK killer, or Jeffrey Dahmer.

Moreover, their motifs vary, and in many cases, they are quite tragic. Even though we could describe them as some advanced copy of a horror movie villain, serial killers do exist, and they are now part of our society.

The serial killers’ cases have become a fascinating legacy that has been studied over and over by psychologists, criminologists, and even law enforcement agencies to unfold their motives and thus prevent similar future tragedies.

Nevertheless, when thousands of articles and books are written, and thousands of crimes are investigated, there is still no bright and distinct answer as to what first transforms an ordinary person into a serial killer.

We know most serial killers are great with manipulation, absence of empathy and remorse, and the fun of causing pain to others. Those individuals might glide through and appear normal in the face of society.

But beneath that fair facade lies a very dark and twisted person, devoid of feeling anything for their victims.

20 Serial Killer Facts Which Will Disturb You to The Bone

20 Serial Killer Facts Which Will Disturb You to The Bone

Without any further ado, let’s get into the disturbing serial killer facts that will give you nightmares. Proceed with caution now!

1. Ted Bundy: The seemingly benevolent but cunning murders

Ted Bundy

As soon as you look at the name Ted Bundy, goose bumps arise immediately as this is one of the most dreadful serial killers in American history. His charisma and ability to lure people with his looks and win people’s hearts were so useful that people had trust in him.

But only for them to plunge to their death afterward.

The thing that makes your hair stand up Bundy’s double life –

He was a law student and worked for politicians. He even worked at a suicide hotline, trying to prevent people from hurting themselves. Yet he carried out all his deeds.

People who knew Bundy even said that Bundy was someone who had two sides. The nice side, which his former girlfriends and colleagues saw, and the one his victims saw.

2. Aileen Wuornos: Hell Hath, No Fury!

Aileen Wuornos, who became infamous for being “America’s first female serial killer,” is said to have shot and killed seven men whom she encountered along Florida highways between the end of 1989 and the beginning of 1990.

The point of her offenses was related to a deep-rooted hostility towards men.

She has experienced male figures physically or sexually abusing her since childhood.

This led to her going on a killing ramped towards men who were complete strangers to her.

His tactic was hitchhiking a woman in need of rides and then plunged them to their death.

Moreover, Wuornos dealt with a big mental health problem, and her tragic story has a bit more apparent darkness.

Talk about a scorned woman!

3. John Wayne Gacy: The Grisly Clown Mask

John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer-Clown” as he was also known, is attributed to have sexually abused and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young males in the 1970s.

It is not just the teenage boys, but the degree to which these murders were committed.

It is just a matter of degree that he does not fall short. What makes Gacy particularly frightening is how “normal” his other life was.

Among all serial killer facts, this haunts me the most. Think about how many times, we have crossed one, and they have just seemed seemingly normal. It is like serial killers take a notch up to maintain normalcy to hide their facade.

He was very much involved in the community, especially the clown costume disguise that he would wear while entertaining children.

He even went to birthday parties as a clown entertainer. The most disturbing part of his story is his profiling boys from these birthday parties as his next victim.

Yes, no one suspected him to be a serial killer.

4. Dennis Rader – BTK & His Normal Life

BTK killer gave himself his own alias called BTK killer. This abbreviation comes from his killing technique of Bondage, Torture, and Kill. However, it wasn’t the monstrosity that shocked people, but rather the normalcy of his other life.

His psychopathic side was quite hidden among the general mass since he seemingly had a normal life with a loving wife & a child. In fact, he worked for a security installation company. The twisted part was that he installed security cameras in houses that feared the BTK killer and were taking precautions.

Another sickly sexual killer fact is his choosing & profiling his next kills according to the installations.

5. Charles Manson – The Murderer by Proxy

Charles Manson

No matter how terrifying some of his testaments to were, no one could deny the most blood chilling fact about this criminal.

The most nightmarish fact about Charles Manson is his diabolical manipulation tactic. Something which leads to his cult followers killing more than 35 people in total. The amount of brainwashing required for someone to pick a sharp object and start stabbing innocent people.

He was known for provoking bizarre thoughts in anyone’s mind, to the point that they could even question themselves.

Just look at this statement and understand on your own:

“I know this: that in your own hearts and in your own souls, you are just as much responsible for the Vietnam War as I am for killing these people.”

That man was one smooth talker with the charm of devil reincarnated. It was also clear that he had no remorse. Another serial killer fact which is common among many!

6. Luis Garavito –Who was About to Be Set Free

Luis Garavito of Columbia is known as the “beast” who was responsible for torturing and killing more than 150-400 young boys.

But did you know he is about to be set free?


How can the Columbian government even think of setting this monster with such a heinous criminal record free?

However, this is one of the instances where the rulebook overrules logic. Although, the judge’s rule stated 1853 plus 60 years as his sentence (more than just a life sentence). However, his sentence was cut by years because he helped the police to find the missing bodies. Therefore, he was given 22 years sentence and set free in 2021.

Quite sickening because the shortening of sentence doesn’t even make much sense.

7. Correggio Soap Maker

Brace yourself because these serial killer facts are so bizarre that it will take time for you to understand whether you should be sick or question humanity. This 1940s killer from Italy is called Leonardo Cianciulli. He killed three middle-aged women, but that wasn’t the bone-chilling part of this story.

He turned one of the women into soap by melting her fat and even gifted some of this “homemade” soap to some of his friends and colleagues.

8. Ed Kemper’s “Prank”

Ed Kemper, or “Big Ed,” was a serial killer with the highest IQ, and some of his creepy stories are a testament to it.

One of the bizarre stories about this killer was how he befriended someone, the inspector investigating his cases. He used to go for drinks with him and his colleagues, and they set up what they called a “Jury.”

He was so convincing that when he finally confessed to him about the murders, he didn’t even believe him and called it a “prank.”

9. Jeffrey Dahmer – Turning Everyone into A Cannibal?

Many of Dalmer’s immediate neighbors were in his apartment (disgustingly!) and admitted to accepting sandwiches from the killer.

What is so wrong about accepting food from your neighbors?

However, because of the killer’s proclivity towards cannibalism, it is possible that they have eaten some of his victims, too.

10. Robert Hansen – Hunting as a Sport

We have all heard about deer hunting, but serial killers always manage to take mundane activities a few notches up.

For example, this Alaskan “hunter” kidnapped a woman and then left them alone in the Alaskan wilderness.

He would then hunt them down like a real-life predator.

It is the fear in his victims that illicit such sadistic behaviors.

11. Mack Ray Edwards – Driving Over Bodies?

The child molester and serial killer also worked for the construction company of Cal Trans. It was believed that he buried some of his victims within the concrete of under-construction bridges.

Not everybody recovered. Therefore, one can fairly judge that on our trips to California, we might have driven over some of the undiscovered bodies.

12. Jeffrey Dahmer – The Safety in Ink

This serial killer is a storehouse of fascinating and bizarre facts that keep us up at night. In one of his statements to the police, he confessed that he didn’t eat people with tattoos.

This is because the ink made the skin taste bad once cooked. (*literal gag*)

But the sickening silver lining is you might be safe from a serial killer’s motives if you are tatted.

13. BTK Killer – Cheating Death

Among all the serial killer facts and escapades, nothing scares me more than the victims who literally looked into Death’s eyes and said, “not today!”

BTK killer was known to break into his victim’s apartments and then wait. However, there have been times when he used to get frustrated and leave because the woman was late!

The sheer luck!

14. John Wayne – The Killer Clown

This sadistic killer killed 33 men and stacked most of their bodies in his Chicago home. It was said that most of the bodies started to melt together.

It took forensics quite some time to separate these bodies and match DNA to find the victims.

What a job to have!

Wake up in the morning and begin detaching melting bodies!

15. Elizabeth Bathory – The Search for Eternal Youth

We women are proactive in searching for the best anti-aging cream. However, what if this anti-aging cream is young virgin blood?

Elizabeth Bathory, in her vanity, is known to torture and kill more than 650 virgin girls in her reign. She would then proceed to bathe in the blood of this woman and believed that would give her eternal youth.

14. Bonnie Foreshadowed Her Own Death

When it comes to the notorious heisters and killers Bonnie & Clyde, the more we hear about it, the more shocked we are.

Along with being a cold-blooded murderer, Bonnie was also a poetess. In fact, her own poetry has even foreshadowed her own Death.

Someday , they’ll go down together

they’ll bury them side by side

too few , it’ll be grief

to the law a relief

but it’s Death for Bonnie and Clyde.

Unfortunately, the judge denied their plea to be buried together.

15. Ed Gain – Home Decor?

Did you know Ed Gain used to dig up bodies from the cemetery nearby and made lamps and other home objects with the decapitated skin?

No wonder there were so many Hollywood stories inspired by this character.

His stories still manage to be a gold mine for forensic psychologists trying to discern the reasons behind his bizarre crimes.

16. Henry Lucas – Problem with Barbeque Sauce

This serial killer fact put me in a dilemma. Whether I should feel disgusted or just ask, “huh! What?”

Henry Lucas and his cannibal partner Ottis Toole once barbequed a human leg, but in the end, he refused to have it.

Lucas later said that he didn’t like the smell of barbeque sauce on human flesh.

17. Rebel Without a Cause

Albert DeSalvo was a serial killer in the USA in the year 1963.

To emulate his favorite actor, or rather the character James Dean, played in the movie “Rebel Without a Cause.” But, in his spree to be the “bad boy,” he went and killed 11 people in a spree.

The worst part is it was for no reason.

Final Verdict

There is no doubt that serial killers have a twisted set of brains. It is a matter of fear and fascination all at once.

Do you have more such bizarre serial killer facts that we missed out on?

Do let us know in the comment section below!

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Soumava Goswami
A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having 3+ years of experience, Soumava also loves writing blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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