
Did The Sun Really Set On This Empire?

the sun never sets on the british empire

Have you heard about the phrase, “the sun never sets on the British Empire”? Do you know the phrase used concerning the British Empire and why? How did the British Empire bring together a lot of nations under their flag?

Read the blog to learn about how the British Empire originated and from where the idea of expansion started! You will be shocked to know how they began to occupy lands and claim them as their colony worldwide.

How did the Britishers decide to establish their claims on lands that were not theirs? Read more to know, especially regarding technical and theoretical understanding of the strategies of the British Empire and its dominion.

Did The Sun Set On This Empire?

Did The Sun Set On This Empire_

The official addition of countries to the British Empire needed to be a strategy. Instead, it was about them leaving on a ship and deciding what to conquer! The Britishers built their Empire based on whatever land they found first or how the Sun touched the ground.

The technical logic is that the Sun in the British Empire stopped setting when the Crown added the first territory to their jurisdiction, an Australian environment. This happened in the late 1700s or 1800s!

After the British Empire established its jurisdiction in different territories, there were severe human rights concerns such as slavery, forceful immigration, colonization, war, and rebellion. However, some other territories emerged from the rule; some still accepted the British Empire as their sovereign!

The acquisition of different territories and regions disintegrated in the 20th century, but technically, the Sun will never set! It is because there are still 23 countries, such as New Zealand and Australia, who respect the flag of the British Empire!

Origin Of The British Empire

Origin Of The British Empire

The British Empire was founded between 1497 and 1573 as the first explorers were commissioned by the King of England, Henry VII, in 1496. The explorers were led by John Cabot, who began their journey with a mandate to discover a route to Asia across the North Atlantic Ocean.

The aim was to do that quickly, so the journey commenced in 1497. Furthermore, exploration aims to conquer more land and acquire more treasures for the new world! Even Queen Elizabeth I also encouraged exploration.

The exploration became a forceful process where they established overseas posts. The British army attacked other positions, ports, and trade forts across Europe, Asia, and other nations. The organized effort created a lot of human rights issues that, to this day, continue!


Britain streamlined their concurring of other lands, and their claims were very stupid just because they probably had more weapons to control and attack unsuspecting individuals.

The rapid expansion from 1815 to 1915 went on to acquire 10 million square miles, along with 400 million people coming under the jurisdiction of the Crown! The conquering of different regions worldwide by the British Empire led to the Industrial Revolution dominating world trade.

The First World War started because of the struggle for power between Britain, France, and Germany in 1914! The country’s economic power also helped them establish dominion over other nations.

So, where sun never sets? To be literal, it is the Arctic Circle above which the Sun never sets! Specifically in Norway, Svalbard, where the midnight sun stays the longest!

Systemic Challenges

Systemic Challenges

There are significant challenges that are core to how Britain functions! You have to learn how Britain’s oppressive army conquered lands and tried to expand their dominion worldwide! In recent times, Britain needs to perform better economically.

There is a concern about social security in the UK because of the issue of citizens and how lands have been forcefully acquired. Even Queen Elizabeth II did nothing to stop the human rights issues in many places worldwide.

The tax structure needs to improve regarding increasing the country’s population! The books must be balanced, and the UK government is pressured to resolve the issue. The British Empire tried its best to create dominion across Europe, Asia, Africa, and numerous islands.

The issue persists that power cannot be forcefully practiced on others! Instead, it is a way in which people rebel or revolt against the authorities, creating significant chaos. Further, it has made the United Kingdom weaker from the inside!

What Is The Phrase, “The Sun Never Set On The British Empire”?

What Is The Phrase, _The Sun Never Set On The British Empire__

“The Sun never sets on the British Empire” was first coined by Fray Francisco de Ugalde, who is Spanish! As an individual, he commented on King Charles 1, especially when Britain was acquiring other territories.

Alexander Campbell later used it as a part of the senior management and officials of the British Empire. In 1852, Campbell justified the dominion of the British on other territories. The British Crown claimed different regions worldwide as their protectorates, mandates, dominions, and colonies!

Hence, if all the regions are under the dominion of the British Empire, the Sun can’t set everything together or completely! So, scientifically speaking, the phrase is true! Funny right? But there is also a sense of pride in this phrase.

So, the Sun never sets on the British Empire, meaning that the countries of the British Empire are all proud to survive and shine together. Apart from the technical meaning of the Sun not setting simultaneously in all territories, it is also about not experiencing failure together!

British Empire’s Negative Impact On The World

British Empire's Negative Impact On The World

A colonial power, The British Empire is an entity that oppressed a lot of other nations, creating significant human rights issues such as slavery and immoral and unethical actions against humans! The phrase does create a perception of their achievements of oppressing others as if they are proud of it.

The Sun symbolizes winning and achievements, so when they say that, the Sun never sets on their Empire. People at an authoritative position in the British Empire and British Army considered it a thing of pride at a certain time.

The barbarism and the messes created by the British Empire were, at a certain point, impacting social progress across colonies. It, along with the principles, clearly causes damage on a global scale!

Finishing Off…

Now that you know all about the British Empire and how the phrase “the sun never sets on the British Empire” is apt! The country also established its colonies across many countries to increase its dominion and expand its boundaries.

I wonder if Great Britain is that powerful or just their pride making them say such a phrase.

Comment on your thoughts about the British Empire and its influence on other countries!

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sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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