
Don’t You Think Biblically Accurate Angels Would Be Pretty Scary!

biblically accurate angels

Do you wonder what the biblical accurate angels look like? Some pictures are scary, where you can see numerous eyes and wheels on the bodies of the biblically correct angels! In this article, you will read about the four significant angels and their perceptions.

Spiritual beings and angels are known to take different forms, as we have read in the scripture! In many instances, some angels also appear in human form. We learn about the angels and their condition through the scriptures, but we need to know what they look like.

Christians who are regular visitors of the Church and read scriptures will know how angels are described! Mostly, we consider angels as beautiful-looking creatures, but there are times when their descriptions can scare you out. In the article, read about the features of biblical angels.

Don’t You Think Biblically Accurate Angels Would Be Pretty Scary?

Read the article if you are curious about biblical angels and their looks. I will mention how the angels are represented in the Bible and other Christian holy books. The term “angel” comes from the Greek word “angelos,” which again is influenced by the Hebrew word “Mal’akh”!

The Hebrew term stands out and has the meaning of the term “messenger”! The angels are considered a symbolization and a representation of God himself. As rightful Christians, people believe in angels, bringing their faith and belief to the forefront. This is sometimes connected to the 999 angel number and its meaning!

So go ahead and read all about the four angels with the most significant and detailed description in terms of characteristics. It will also help you get an insight into it! So, if you have a question, what do biblical angels look like? Read more to know!


The angel at the lowest rank is Cherubim, also known as Cherub! According to the Bible, these angels are animal-human hybrids who are given tasks to guard the Garden of Eden. It is their responsibility to protect the garden against all humankind.

Based on the Book of Ezekiel description, Cherubim, according to the prophet’s vision, has four faces: an eagle, an ox, a human, and a lion. These angels also have bull hooves, four wings, and straight legs. The bull hooves are polished brass gleaming!

The wings that cover the angel’s body are mostly used to take flight. Furthermore, cupids are considered a similar projection of Cherubim in Roman and Greek mythology, and even in ancient Babylonia, Egypt, and Syria, there was a cultural exchange regarding the attributes of Cherubim as per the Bible!

The angels are depicted mostly as beautiful, naked, with wings, and chubby! Renaissance sculptors often drew in art, known as the ancient practice of putti. Divinity is a significant part of depictions of Cherubim.

At times, some trumpets and arrows accompany these angels. One interesting thing that has been noticed about Cherubim is that they are used as a symbol of romantic love!


When discussing Malakim as an angel, let us examine their Biblical representation; at a certain point, it is scary. The angel’s name is also a Hebrew word that translates into “messengers” or “angels”! You need to calculate the angel number related to Malakim!

The representation of Malakim is quite similar to how people of the pop culture believe angels to be. It is the description of angels in Daniel 10, where angels look mostly like men with amazing qualities.

Their look is a little shiny as their skin is described as resembling topaz and burnished bronze! This gives them that unearthly look, along with representing a vibe from a higher power. According to Revelation 10, the angel Malakim was described as “was robed in a cloud…”

He is described as having a face like the sun while his legs resemble fiery pillars. Having a rob of a cloud shows his characteristics as magnificent! The descriptive passages show how the angels are shining and bright. We believe angels have wings, but it is never mentioned in the Bible!


The highest ranking angel, Seraphim, has six wings, the ultimate of all angels according to the Christian angel hierarchy. According to artists, the six-winged seraphim is red, symbolizing fire in perception.

The meaning of the term “Saraph,” which is a Hebrew term, is a venomous desert snake! There is another representation of the term “to burn” and its meaning. The terms have two main historical meanings, and they influence the symbolization of angels.

According to the Bible, there are six wings, out of which four are used to cover their heads and feet in front of God. There is a certain capitulation in protecting these parts to show respect to God. The two other wings are used to fly!

The angel comes in the second position when we evaluate the angel hierarchy! Their sheer presence is described as holiness, so for Christians discussing Seraphim, it is a huge responsibility and attraction that works within them. They emit holiness; hence, even their thoughts bring respect!


It is in Ezekiel 1, Ophanim is mentioned only once, and the transliteration of the Hebrew word “Wheels”! Sometimes, the angels can be called creatures because the text does not directly say their human forms. The wheels have four faces, and all of them look alike.

The description of the angels includes that they sparkled like topaz! It is completely otherworldly as it appears more like a wheel intersecting a wheel. The reason why four directions are so important is because they are facing the four directions!

The wheels’ direction does not change even when the creatures pass them! The rims are all awesome, along with being high! However, the eyes follow the creatures, showing how their attention is everywhere and how they are monitoring everything.

Why Do Biblical Angels Look Creepy?

Based on the description of the angels, they can look quite creepy and scary! If, in real life, a particular creature looks like the way angels are described in various books of Christianity, they can be quite frightening.

Humanoid-looking creatures with perfect faces and all righteous perceptions have wings. Can you imagine someone looking like this? Even in our wildest imagination, it isn’t easy to imagine this extreme look of an individual!

Yet, along with the Bible, a lot of books on Christians have mentioned too much and too extreme of a look. These apparitions are terrifying to some extent, and they have become quite familiar! Fore angels are described so vehemently for several reasons, especially when they have been portrayed as quite righteous.

Many people might find the visuals of the representation of the angels too violent! It is also like putting the fear of God in people, so at times, it is both terrifying and strange.

Finishing Off…

When you read about the representation of the angels, you are worried about how impactful they will look! In this article, you read about all the characteristics of the angels and how they can be creepy or scary. So now you know what the significance of Angelos is!

Furthermore, you also learn how important these representations are for people who believe in angels.

Comment on your thoughts about the highest angel level who can connect with you and God!

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sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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