
5 Easy And Effective Ways To Enhance The Quality Of Your Home 

Enhance The Quality Of Your Home 

Want to make your home’s air better? Good call! Turns out, indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than what’s outside, according to the EPA.

The thing is, we tend to stay indoors almost 90% of the time. So, that’s not a great piece of news for us. And if you want to improve your health, you must ensure that you are drinking a lot of quality water as well. However, we have a solution in this regard for you.

AQUAANALYTIC LLC., Dubai is an authorized importer and distributor of Evoqua Water Technologies (USA) in the United Arab Emirates.

Hence, if you want some help in your quest to keep your water clean, you can certainly choose them. Here’s the link to their website –

But, they can only help you improve the quality of your drinking water. So, what would you do about the air in your room? Well, there’s no need to worry. We’ve provided five tips here regarding the same to offer our assistance in this matter. Hopefully, that will help you out.

Pollutants And Allergens – The Stuff You Can Find In A House 

Ever thought about what’s floating around in the air you breathe at home? Well, the EPA splits it into two groups: things you can see and those tiny things you can’t.

First off, there’s the visible stuff – particulate matter. It’s like a mix of everyday annoyances for your nose and lungs, like pet dander, pollen (thanks to plants!), and good ol’ dust.

Then there’s the invisible crew, including tiny organisms like mold, bacteria, and those not-so-friendly dust mites. Even though they’re small, they can cause some trouble for your breathing.

So, whether it’s the fuzzy stuff or the microscopic squad, keeping an eye on your indoor air can make a difference for a breath of fresh air at home.

You know those tiny things like pet dander, mold, and dust mites? They usually love staying in a bed, furniture, or in colorful carpets. If you don’t get rid of them, you may contract an issue, such as skin allergies or acute asthma.

Then there are sneaky gases in the air.

You’ve got the fumes from household stuff like glue, paint, and cleaning products.

Even your furniture and walls may be emitting something called formaldehyde, which isn’t great—it’s known to be a potential cancer-causer.

Plus, when you smoke or cook with gas, there are other byproducts floating around.

Here’s the kicker: the air inside your home can be more polluted than outside because of all these things. So, maybe crack a window now and then!

How To Improve The Air In Your Room? 

When it gets cold outside, most of us tend to feel a little cozy up at home. But for folks who have respiratory issues and allergies winter can bring in quite a lot of challenges.

For example, the indoor air may feel a little bit stale, and the heating system can also stir up dust and pet dander (and mold). This can make things even worse.

Since opening windows isn’t always an option in chilly weather, it’s good to know about these indoor triggers that could be hanging around. In winter, our homes may not get enough fresh air from outside, trapping those pesky allergens indoors.

So, let’s learn how you can improve in this regard.

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1: Control The Temperature And Humidity In Your Room

Control The Temperature And Humidity In Your Room

Here’s the lowdown on mold and bacteria – they’re all about cozy spots, you know, warm, dark, and damp places. Give them a comfy home, and they’ll happily move in. Now, if you’re setting up a new place, it’s smart to plan and control the humidity and temperature. But if your home’s already rocking, no sweat! There are easy ways to kick those unwelcome guests out.

Seal up your doors and windows – not just for privacy, but to control the temperature and humidity too. Of course, you still need some fresh air, especially in wet spots like the bathroom or kitchen. But all in all, a well-sealed living space is the way to roll.

Now, check this out – grab yourself a humidifier or dehumidifier, depending on where you live. Shoot for an indoor humidity level between 30% and 50%.

Don’t let it go higher than 60% though – that’s just trouble knocking on your door. Too much humidity is like hosting a party for indoor pollution. On the flip side, too little humidity can turn your skin into a desert and mess with your nose and throat.

2: Keep The Pollutants Away 

Ever notice how outdoor stuff like pollen and mold can sneak into your house and mess with the air? Well, here’s a trick: stop them at the door!

Seal up those windows and doors with some cheap fixes from the store. It not only keeps the sneaky stuff out but also helps control how hot or muggy it gets inside.

And hey, don’t let your shoes and jackets drag in the outside mess. Make a small spot by the door with a doormat, hooks for coats, and a place to stash your gear.

3: Go For A Deep Clean 

Go For A Deep Clean 

Alright, time to give your place a little makeover! Start by giving it a good, deep clean. Vacuum those floors, mop wherever you can, and get rid of the dust bunnies on everything you can reach.

And hey, don’t overlook the hidden spots like mattresses, sofas, and curtains – they can be hiding some pretty icky stuff. Wash what you can, and for the rest, a trusty vacuum will do the trick.

Oh, speaking of vacuums, if you happen to have a Dyson cordless one, snag that Mini-motorized tool. It’s a game-changer for getting your couch cushions, mattresses, and pillows super clean.

And don’t forget the sneaky spots under and behind the furniture – dust likes to play hide and seek there. If you’ve got the time, take things off the shelves and give them a good wipe down too. It’s like giving your home a big ol’ breath of fresh air!

4: Increase The Ventilation In Your Room

If you want to freshen up the air inside your home, a super easy way is to let some fresh air in! Just crack open a window or door, or maybe use a fan.

If it’s nice outside and the air quality is good – even better!

This helps kick out the indoor stuffiness and lowers the amount of yucky stuff in the air. So, next time you’re cooking up a storm or doing some painting, give your home a breath of fresh air!

5: Choose A Dust/Mite Proof Cover

5: Choose A Dust/Mite Proof Cover

Ever heard of dust mites? They’re like allergy troublemakers. Dr. James Sublett says two-thirds of allergy folks are allergic to these tiny creatures.

Here’s a cool tip: using special covers on kids’ mattresses and pillows can help cut down asthma symptoms, as per a study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

So, what’s the deal?

The AAAAI suggests covering your mattresses, box springs, and pillows with these special covers. And don’t forget the weekly bedding wash in hot water. Plus, keep that humidity low to give those dust mites the boot. Sleep tight and no more sneezes!

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Ankita Tripathy
Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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