
You will Be Shocked To Read About 10 Of The Most Weird Guinness World Records!

guinness world records

If you are someone who loves reading about weird things, here I am making you a list of the weird things that have gone on to make Guinness World Records! In this article you will get to read some of the weirdest things that have been done by humans worldwide.

The list has some of the oddest things which will not only surprise you but also shock you to the core. You must know that these records will question your understanding of the natural world around you.

Let’s get deeper into the odd and weird combination of records set by people and birds (yes! literally a parrot)! You will also understand that some of these records can be achieved while some of them are literally in-born!

You will Be Shocked To Read About 10 Of The Most Weird Guinness World Records!

After you read the number of weird things due to which there are so many records on Guinness Book World report, you will be shocked! Of course my aim is to shock people and yet it is quite difficult even to consider the significance of these records.

When you learn about the significance of these records and how influential they is for the history being created, you have to keep in mind that apart from being weird, the records are also very bizarre.

Stretchiest Skin

If you are wondering about the Guinness World Records regarding the anatomy of individuals, you will be shocked to see the individual who holds the record for the stretchiest skin. The record is held by the individual Garry Turner who suffers from the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome!

His skin can stretch up to 6.25 inches however, we have no idea if it hurts him to stretch his skin that far! The condition is where the collagen is defective along with the loosening of hyper-mobile joints and skin! This is also known as a connective-tissue disorder.

Longest Legs

The record for longest leg has been set by Marie Currie who was just 17 years old! She is known to have the world’s longest legs in the female category along with the longest legs on a teenager in the year 2020.

The measurement of her left leg is 135.267 cm while her right leg has a measurement of 134.3 cm! The girl has a height of 6 feet 10 inches. However, most of her body is legs! Almost 60% of her total body is her legs.

Longest Tongue

This record is weird considering it will get the tongue wagging! The Guinness World Records has given this title to the man from Monterey, California, Nick Stoeberl aka “The Lick”! His tongue has been measured at 10.10 in the year 2012 and it has been accordingly held.

Longest Fingernails

The record was first recorded in 2008 where Lee Redmond grew her nails out for more than 30 years! It all started in 1979 when she started growing her nails which led her to set a world record of the longest fingernail in the world according to the Guinness world record.

The nails of the woman can be measured at 28 feet and 4 inches long so accordingly, the length of the finger nails are quite long.

Longest Mustache

The title for the world’s longest mustache according to the Guinness World Records goes to Ram Singh Chauhan from Jaipur. He hails from India and has facial hair in the form of a mustache that is measured up to 14 feet. In Rome, Italy his mustache was measured in 2010.

It was on the set of the Italian TV show called “Lo Show dei Record” where he was featured. The man has won the title and over 37 years, he has not yet cut it.

Hairiest Family

Can you imagine having hair everywhere? In the Guinness World Records, there is a title that has given to the Ramos Gomez family in 2000 from Mexico for having lots of hair. The world record title goes such as the largest hairy family where the people have excessive torso and facial hair.

The family is of 19 members in which 4 members, Victor Gomez, Jesus Manuel Fajardo Aceves, Luisa Lilia De Lira Aceves and Gabriel Ramos Gomez have a condition called congenital generalized hypertrichosis!

Oldest Male Stripper

Berne Barker has won the title of the oldest male stripper on the Guinness World Records! He was a former real realtor who after the age of 60 got into stripping! He was a 60 years old who suffered from prostate cancer and recovered from it then got into shape to become a stripper.

Furthermore, he created a name for himself in the industry! Then he got the title of the oldest male stripper on the Guinness World Records which is an achievement in itself. He unfortunately died six years later!

Opening Maximum Number Of Cans In One Minute

Can you imagine a bird setting the world record? Sounds impossible, well it happened. In 2012, a parrot Zac the Macaw opened 35 cans in a minute, which is in itself is a world record. It is impossible even to think about such a record.

Especially for a bird! But even for a human, it is surprising when it comes to performing this feat!

Largest Yo-Yo

The largest yo-yo in the world was made in 2012, which set the record worldwide. Beth John made the yo-yo from Ohio which measured about 11 ft to 10.75 inches with a weight of 2,095.6 kg. The yo-yo was so large that it set the Guinness Book World Record.

The time taken by Beth John to make the yo-yo was more than a year and a half! It was clearly significant, especially when it comes to setting a huge record.

Largest Condom

Did you know that there is a Guinness World Record for the largest condom which was made by a clothes firm, Benetton Group? It was in 1993 that the clothing firm created and fitted a condom of size 72 feet over the Obelisque in Place de la Concorde, Paris, France.

The purpose of the condom was to mark World AIDS day in France! This set the record on the Guinness book worldwide.

Finishing Off…

After reading all about the 10 weird and shocking titles on Guinness World Records, what is your perception of their success? Do you wonder that the people associated with it actually profit from any of these?

At times, these records might also make the life of these individuals difficult, especially if they are trying to prove that they are different!

Comment on what do you think is the weirdest of all records on Guinness World Records and why?

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sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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