
This Is The Reason Why Does McDonald’s Coke Taste Better!  

why does mcdonald's coke taste better

Is the Coke at McDonald’s different from any other Coke? Sometimes, you might also feel it tastes better than other cokes! You must read this blog to know better because I promise this is not in your head.

In this article, I will also discuss what Coca-Cola aficionados think! This is especially important because many restaurants sell Coke, but only some have the same ingredients, and their process differs. This is literally like an evolution in food as compared to human future evolution!

Furthermore, the Coke tastes much better when served with the classic McDonald’s chicken nuggets. So, does McDonald’s add special ingredients to make their Coke taste different or better? Ofcourse not! I am here to tell you why it tastes better than others!

This Is The Reason Why Does McDonald’s Coke Taste Better!  

This Is The Reason Why Does McDonald’s Coke Taste Better!

Of course, one of the major aspects of McDonald’s Coke is packaging! Keep in mind that only some restaurant chains follow the same process. The partnership between the fast food restaurant chain and the Coca-Cola brand started when Ray Kroc developed a special relationship with the drink company.

It was in 1955 that Coca-Cola and McDonald’s created a partnership that has led to this significant business growth. It has been reported that most restaurants store their soda syrups in plastic bags; however, the stainless steel tanks used by McDonald’s bring the juice.

It was McDonald’s and Coca-Cola that birthed the idea of partnership inception! Furthermore, read about why the Coke sold by McDonald’s is way better than other Coke!

The Process Makes McDonald’s Coke Taste Better

According to the New York Times, McDonald’s Coke tastes fresh, but the tongue tastes different because of the stainless steel tanks. The products sold by McDonald’s are available in extra-small, small, medium, and large Coke for $1, $2, and $3 on the menu.

How they advertise and promote their product automatically makes the customers feel they are consuming something delicious. There are options in it, too, such as Mcdonald’s frozen Coke, Mcdonald’s diet Coke, and others.

Another best part of McDonald’s Coke is that it is not a pre-mixed drink, which keeps the product fresh. Let’s delve into the process of making the Coke at McDonald’s! It will answer your question: is McDonald’s Coke different?

What Are The Reasons McDonald’s Coke Taste Better?

The stainless steel tanks in which the coke syrup for McDonald’s is delivered protect the syrup from exposure to air, temperature, and light. This keeps the syrup fresh and maintains its delicious flavor.

Plastic bags, however, need help to provide such quality protection. If you have never tasted the Coke sold by McDonald’s, go now. It would be best to catch up on Coke’s significant taste and originality.

Another significant reason for enhancing the flavor is that the two ingredients, the syrup, and carbonated water, are dispensed from separate machines, thus merging when administered into the cup and bringing freshness to the Coke!

Overall, the storage and the mixing techniques enhance the taste of the Coke! So it is true that Mcdonald’s Coke is one of the best quality available on the market. Want to know more about the mixing process? Keep reading along…

Gold Standard Water Filtration  Makes McDonald’s Coke Taste Better

Along with the storage, you must remember the filtration process of McDonald’s, which is a top-tiered operation. Even their water is filtered and frozen before it is added to the soda fountain!

So, it also comes down to the quality of the water because if it does not taste good, all ingredients added to it will fail! So the process is effective and efficient from the beginning where good quality and procedure are used.

Syrup Techniques  

There are soda fountains available in gas stations and other restaurants to flash chill the sodas people take. Most of these sodas are cool but not cold or chilled! McDonald’s, however, has sincerely maintained the quality of the machine.

The syrup is pre-chilled by McDonald’s staff before being placed in the machine. In most restaurants serving Coke, the soda syrup bags are out in the open in the kitchen. Meanwhile, the syrup is all chilled and ready for your cup in McDonald’s.

The ratio of the machine is set by McDonald’s in such a way that they account for melting ice in their syrup-to-water mix. Therefore, you get more syrup than other fast food restaurants or chains that serve their customers Coke.

This whole setting ensures that the taste of the Coke is the same in sip one and sip 20! It also impresses the customers because they remember which drink was constantly tasty and what became melted water in sip number 10!

They also maintain the measurement of 40 grams of sugar for one small Coke. Hence, the consistency remains the same, along with no mitigation or dilution of the beverage! The fizziness continues long after it is in your cup!

Super Straw Makes McDonald’s Coke Taste Better

The straw at McDonald’s is slightly wider than at other places because it directly hits the taste buds! There can also be a reason related to the product’s sales, as the wider the straw, the faster your drink will finish, which might make you order one more.

Ordering Coke is a mandatory step when you visit McDonald’s, especially when you have ordered a medium crispy fries or a burger; you need the Coke to wash it down!

Cold Temperatures  

The temperature of McDonald’s Coke is always pre-chilled because both the soda syrup and the filtered water are pre-chilled before entering the machine. The water is kept at a temperature just above freezing by an insulated tube that runs to the soda fountain from the back of the fridge.

High carbon dioxide (CO2) levels can be achieved at low temperatures; thus, the pops in the drink will stay crisp! McDonald’s ensures you do not have a flat coke at the end of the meal, as the temperature will keep your drink carbonated for longer.

An important tip is that you should only order your Coke with ice because it will affect the perfect ratio of syrup and water!

Creating Some McDonald’s Magic At Home

Creating Some McDonald’s Magic At Home

Now, you know the reasons behind McDonald’s Coke tasting better. So, it is obvious that you cannot replicate the same magic at home. However, if you want, you can definitely try making another McDonald’s delicacy at home. 

I am talking about McDonald’s Hash Browns. These delicacies are fluffy at the center with the right amount of crunch in the layers. You can have these hash browns with scrambled eggs or you can easily use them for making the best sandwiches at home. 

Further, if you follow the cooking instructions properly, the hash browns will turn up to be really crunchy, moist, and tasty. They will also look appetizing.

Making McDonald’s Hash Browns At Home 

Making McDonald’s Hash Browns At Home

Preparing these hash browns at home is easier than it feels. Let’s discuss the step-by-step process.

  • We will use russet potatoes for this recipe. We will first grate them properly and try to make them free of moisture.
  • Making the grated potatoes free of moisture is very important to achieve the right texture in the hash browns. Also, if the grated potatoes have too much moisture, you will face a lot of problems in binding them.
  • Next, you will have to cook the grated and dried potatoes partially. Heat the oil, and the temperature of the oil should be around 200 degrees F. The cooking process will continue for around six minutes. 
  • Once the potatoes are partially cooked, you can add cornstarch and salt to them. After that, you must lay them on the baking sheet. 
  • At this stage, you will give the hashbrowns the desired shape. You can make them round, oval, or square, according to your preferences.
  • Finally, you need to put these hash browns in the freezer so that they become firm and have the ideal texture. 

Waiting For Two Hours As Your Hash Browns Get Set

Waiting For Two Hours As Your Hash Browns Get Set

This is the trickiest part when getting McDonald’s hash browns getting ready at home. Waiting for your hash browns for around two hours can make you feel impatient. Meanwhile, if you are planning to make burgers or sandwiches using these hash browns, you can get the veggies or other elements ready in this period.

Now, two hours are over, and you can get them ready for eating. You can bake the hash browns, shallow fry them, or deep fry them. Now, you can keep some simple tips in mind to know why and when you need to follow these different cooking methods. 

If you need to prepare hash browns in bulk, you can always go for the baking method. It is also a healthier method of cooking, considering you will get to omit the use of oil completely. 

Further, are you in a hurry but don’t want to miss out on the crunchy texture of hash browns? You can choose shallow frying as the cooking method.

Having said that, hash browns are meant to be deep-fried. If you want to experience the magic of authentic hash browns, you will need to deep fry them.

Finishing Off…  

Are you still wondering why McDonald’s Coke tastes better? After all that information, you are craving McDonald’s Coke so much! I know because after sharing so much information on the drink’s taste, I am dying to get one sip!

Comment on your favorite item at McDonald’s, accompanying that Coke!

sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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