
Did You Know The Real Story Of The Anabelle Doll?

annabelle doll

Have you seen the movie The Conjuring? Did you know that the story of the Anabelle Doll is a true story? Do you know there is actually a doll which has a demon attached to it? Continue reading if you want to know more about it.

Furthermore, you will also learn a lot about how the movie found its inspiration from this real life story. I will share with you the true story of the doll and how spooky it was for those who had to face the situation, especially when dealing with a haunted object!

Did you know that the Warrens were not able to get rid of the demon so they kept the doll in the basement of their house behind locked glass. Scary? Well this is nothing. Read more to learn all about this spooky doll.

Did You Know The Real Story Of The Anabelle Doll?

You will be shocked to learn that the Anabelle Doll on which the movie The Conjuring was based is actually real! Not only that, some of the real life instances that have been shown in the movie actually happened. Clearly it must be scary for the people actually involved in the situation.

I will discuss in this article all about some of the significant aspects of the origin of the Anabelle doll. Furthermore, I will also share how the Warrens who were depicted in the movie actually got involved in real life as well.

Give this article a read to know how the situation was handled by the Warrens especially when it is a field not a lot of people have experience in. There are several situations which are completely out of control for humans and yet the couple helped the young girls.

How Did It All Start?

It all started when the real Annabelle doll was gifted to Donna, a student nurse by her mother! The doll was brought from a hobby store as a second-hand doll by the mother. Donna was very happy with the gift and considering she lived with a friend, Angie at that time, they started noticing little things.

At first, it was the little things, small movements of the doll that were confusing. Both Donna and Angie thought that they had something and forgot! For example, if the doll was on the floor but they remember that they kept her on the chair, they consider that it might be because it fell off.

However, later they realized that it was moving on its own! For example, they remember that the doll was on Donna’s bed but later they see it on the sofa. Slowly, both the girls start getting fearful. Over time, the doll started moving more frequently! It was their close friend Lou who first said that the doll was evil!

What Happened Then…

It was Lou, who said that the raggedy doll might be possessed! Initially, Donna and Anne did not believe him, especially because they were very progressive in their thoughts. However, the more time passed, the doll became more sinister.

Around the apartment, the girls started finding notes. It was a strange thing, especially when notes were written on parchment paper that any of the girls have ever used before. Mostly in these notes, things were always written such as “help us” and “help Lou”.

Things reached an extreme level, when Donna found blood on the doll’s hand one day. She came home from work and saw the doll on her spot on the bed with literal blood on her hands. It seemed like the red liquid which almost seemed like blood was coming out of the doll itself!

This incident was the last straw of the girls’ patience as they called in a medium to learn what was going on! They wanted to know what was going on and was there a reason to be scared!

The Medium…

The girls called down a medium who sat with Annabel and the girls! The story during this time was that their apartment complex was on land, where a seven years old young girl was found dead several years ago. Her name was Annabelle and she was still around when the doll came to the apartment!

Apparently, the spirit became fond of the doll and took possession of it. That’s becoming. I want it all. Both Angie and Donna are quite giving and loving individuals. So, they felt sorry for the poor girl. Did not want her to feel alone so they let her stay in the doll!

They also promised the doll that they would let her stay with them. However, the problems were not solved here. Instead, the Annabelle doll attacked Lou. The exact reason for the attack is not known but probably she did not like him.

It was a physical attack in the form of several claw marks raking on his chest! There was no one in the room when Lou went ahead towards Anabelle who was sitting in the chair. Donna was not at home while Angie and Lou were spending some time together when this attack happened.

What was further weird was when the scratch marks completely disappeared within 2 days. They healed magically thus, keeping no trace on the skin. This is when the girls called the Warrens!

How Did The Warrens Get Involved With The Doll?

The Warrens along with the priest were called into the apartment in which Donna and Angie lived. This is where they discovered that the main goal of Annabelle was to take possession of Donna’s soul. Annabel was not a seven years old little girl instead she was a Demon attached to the Doll.

It was the warrants who informed Donna about Demons, trying to possess people, not things or items. Finally, the priest exercised the apartment so that the warrants could take Annabelle away with them.

They decided to drive on the back roads while returning because they were scared that Annabelle would try to cause accidents on the main roads! Sure enough, they faced car problems the whole way.

They experienced brake failure, power steering failure along with the engine of the car stalling constantly. Finally, Ed Warren sprinkled some holy water on the Anabelle doll after which the problems ceased. 

Yes, the movie is related to the doll because the premise of the story is based on the real life experiences of Ed and Lorraine Warren. However, the producers of the movie have taken some creative liberty with the plot.

There have been some new plots and sub-plots added to the real life incident which of course adds to the cinematic perception of the story.

Finishing Off…

After reading the article, do you actually believe in the spooky legend of the Anabelle doll? Why do you think it was important to get rid of the doll from the apartment and the girls? Do you wonder that Ed and Lorraine Warren were taking a risk when they were taking Anabelle home?

Furthermore, if the demon is still inside don’t you think it will try and harm someone else after Ed and Lorraine are not present anymore!

Comment on what you think about the doll and would you ever like to own one?

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sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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