
Drazen Petrovic’s Legacy Lives On As Lebron James Hail Him As The Greatest!

Drazen Petrovic’s Legacy Lives On As Lebron James Hail Him As The Greatest!

With exploring scoring abilities, Drazen Petrovic was considered the best international player between the late 1980s and early 1990s! He was a unique player in the league, especially with his proficiency and exceptional parameter shooting capability.

A star player in the Portland Trail Blazers and then New Jersey Nets, Petrovic created his name as one of the best international players in the game. In every game, he scored about 20 points when playing for the Nets, thus becoming the best-scoring guard in the league.

During that time, multiple players, including the kids growing up in the league, respected him and aspired to play like him. Among those kids who were growing up in the league, Lebron James was one of those who considered Petrovic the best European player of all time.

In an interview with All-Star Weekend in 2013, LeBron stated that Drazen Petrovic was not afraid of anything, and he played in the moment, making him the most awesome and very athletic player in the league.

In an era where shooters were appreciated, Mark Price and Reggie Miller were well-known as top-tier shooters due to their skills, especially as spot-up shooters. They needed their teammates to create opportunities so that they could score. However, Petrovic was a different level of player.

He was not dependent on his teammates or other players; instead, he could dribble and pull the ball from his opponents anywhere on the court. In the NBA, with an average of 43.7% from the arc beyond the 2.6 attempts for every game in his five-season run, Petrovic scored after shooting from anywhere!

A player ahead of his time, as deemed by other NBA players, Petrovic would have excelled in the current games! With his offensive skill set, the NBA teams would have fought hard over scoring him as their player while he would have led by an extraordinary example of his game!

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