The Euphrates River is a site filled with mystery! Are you curious about the Euphrates River gold mountain? From ancient times, there has been a secret related to the river, especially because there is a mention of the river in the Bible. There is further mention of the river in Islam!
In this article, I will discuss the claim that the Euphrates River gold mountain will be visible once it dries up! This is a myth where it is believed that the river will expose huge treasures once the water all dries up; however, there is no evidence of any such thing happening.
Instead, there has been evidence of gold mines dumping waste in a pond near the river! Curious about the validity of the news? Wonder how such a thing is possible? Read more, especially when thousands of people believe in the myth!
The History Of the Euphrates River!

Euphrates River has a significant history, especially because it has been mentioned in both the Bible and the Holy Quran. In both these holy scriptures, the river has been cited as virtuous and sacred, so whoever has visited the place is really lucky.
In both holy scriptures, the river is mentioned as the spring of paradise! Flowing through Syria, Turkey, and Iraq, the river is considered the life of the civilizations based in these countries. It is regarded as cool and sweet, so it is one of the significant resources for survival for the population!
According to Islam, the river flows freely in Kufa, so it is for everyone to drink from. Furthermore, the river is projected as something that does not make any difference between anyone. The river’s history represents its significance, yet the people around it suffer!
Can You Believe In The Claim Of Euphrates River Gold Mountain?
The river on which one of the biggest ancient civilizations developed is the Euphrates! Ancient Mesopotamia was based in the desert. The people depend on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for irrigation, transportation routes, drinking water, and agricultural activities.
Today, Iraq is the southern area of the Tigris River and Mesopotamia! The civilization of Mesopotamia is known to be a rich community, rich in gold and riches. The river will expose a mountain of gold when drying up.
That may be why a gold mine has been built in this region! The Anagold Madencilik has created a collaborative effort with Lidya Mining companies and SSR Mining. They are performing mining activities in Turkey’s Ilic district in the eastern region of Erzincan.
The businessperson responsible for the company, Ahmet Calik, has good connections in the government. The mining project has been expected to produce 3.5 million ounces of gold in 20 years! It is the company’s website where you can find all this information.
So, yes, there is some confirmation regarding the production of gold; however, it significantly impacts the environment. Even though the company informed us that the production factory started in 2018, it has continued for much longer.
Poisonous Pond On The Euphrates River!
The chairperson of the company, Lidya Mining, and Chairman of Calik Holding, Ahmet Calik, has announced that the production years of the project are 20 years. The Copper Sulfide Expansion project has been told that its investment cost is 660 million dollars.
A pond encompassing almost 192 football fields was 350 meters from the Euphrates River. According to the website, the production cost is 645 dollars per ounce of gold! But all this mining has led to poison in the region as the waste is dumped in a pond.
The pond is completely red. Social media platforms are completely crazy with all the pictures. The images become viral as people address the place as “the second Chernobyl”! People across the region complain about the waste pool as the operating mines are poisoning the whole area.
It is a common belief that gold will be discovered in the Euphrates River drying up! This belief has led to significant climate change hampering the people, their health, and the environment. All livestock and Agricultural activities have been negatively impacted in the eastern province.
How Is The Euphrates River Related to Gold?

According to ancient myths and beliefs, gold is under the river Euphrates! Today, gold mining by a private company has led to a 1280-meter pond, which is all crimson and filled with cyanide.
The river Euphrates is the main water source, while the pond is just 350 meters away! The pond is poisoning the underwater channel along with the groundwater of the Euphrates River. The Dark Canyon, Tunceli, and Sivas are all areas that are constantly suffering.
The area is a protected tourist area, yet the waste pool is in the middle of Eastern Anatolia! Turkey’s surrounding cities are all affected by silica, sulfuric acid, and cyanide. These elements are used in factories to leach the raw materials!
The leaching process decomposes the gold quite fast! These elements have all been dumped in the environment and pools. The gold mine contributes to the overall damaging effect on villagers and significantly influences their surrounding environment.
A lawsuit has also been filed against the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB). This is because the capacity of the poisoning should not increase. The influence of the poisoning has been significant, where decomposing gold will highly impact people’s health!
A Gold Mountain Or Poisonous Region?
Gold mountain or mining is damaging the environment in Turkey! The private company that has established the gold mines, ofcourse, have done their research, unfortunately inflicting harmful chemicals and elements.
Livestock activities are getting seriously hampered, and agriculture is also decreasing rapidly. The region needs help integrating everyday activities because the waste from the gold mines deters humans from the bigger picture.
So, if you are looking for gold under the Euphrates River, you must first remember how it impacts the population of Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. Regular droughts have led to a shortage of drinking water while people are drinking contaminated water, leading to cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, and others.
Finishing Off…
Wonder what the Euphrates River gold myth is all about? The private company has created mines to produce gold, while the project has a goal of 20 years. Unfortunately, the gold production is leading to poisoning the whole region.
A pond is very close to the Euphrates River and is the dumping ground of the gold mines, forming a huge poisonous cyanide trap.
Comment on what you think of the poison that is the outcome of Gold production in the Ilic district of Turkey!
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