
Did You Know Nobody Knows What Cleopatra Exactly Looked Like!

what did cleopatra look like

Do you wonder what Egypt’s Last Pharaoh really looked like? Well before I go into that detail, let me tell you that the Pharaohs that came after Cleopatra tried a lot so that she is not remembered by! They tried to hide her identity along with her contributions to Egypt!

Can you imagine getting your identity deleted from the very history of existence? Well they tried but could they do it? Nope, people are still intrigued by the beauty! However, they were successful in destroying all pictures and busts that were built in her likeness.

Now, whatever is left for us is assumption and perception! Nobody knows for sure how she looks but all the assumptions are based on the wide range of busts that have been discovered from Rome and Egypt during that time. Read the article to learn about what idea we have of how Cleopatra really looked!

Did You Know Nobody Knows What Cleopatra Exactly Looked Like! 

A product of incest, it was beleived that Cleopatra was very beautiful, externally and intellectually! But how are historians still confused about how Cleopatra actually looked? Because the evidence present in front of them can easily confuse historians!

Cleopatra can be confused with her mother especially based on their skeletal structure! It is therefore important to learn more about her so that you get an idea of how she became so influential when clearly society was all about a man’s world!

I am going to share some information about the beautiful and influential Queen, especially when she held such a strong position not only in Egypt but also in Rome! Afterall, two of the strongest and powerful Romans, Caesar and Mark Antony fell for her.

Skin Color Of Cleopatra!

In the ancient world, people only knew two skin colors or rather two skin tones, whiteness and blackness! This notion does not work today anymore however, during ancient times, it was quite different as the whole concept became irrelevant.

Apparently, the father of Cleopatra was Greek which obviously means she considers herself a Greek! However, she mostly focused on becoming Egyptian and that was the culture that she was most proud of! She changed her culture based on her political alignment!

Based on the artifacts, there is no exact evidence about how Cleopatra looked; however, it was how she was projected. It has been observed by a research fellow at the Universty of East Anglia in the U.K. that she might belong to African descent.

There were no specific facets in her figure that highlights that she is not an Egyptian however, the muscular representation of her as a rule along with her coiffed hair didd inform that she might belong to the African descent.

Along with that, there was no formal information regarding her grandparents. This also ensures the information that her background is not completely exact so as to say!

Skeletal Remains Might Not Reveal How Cleopatra Looked!

A shocking twist that the archeologists observed was when both Cleopatra and her mother looked the same! Do you want to know why? The question remains that the skeletal remains of an individual might tell you what you need to know!

But do they? For example, it was during the World War II that the skull that was doubted to be of Cloepatra’s! People started studying the skull that was observed from the skeletal remains which was found in 1926 in modern day Turkey.

After studying the cranial features, it was observed that the skull was of Arsinoe IW’s mother. Apart from that, there were certain sections that confirmed that the Queen was part African descent especially with regards to the reconstructions of her facial features.

There have also been studies where the skull could be confused with the full sister of Cleopatra! The forensic anthropologist was confused especially with regards to the ancestry of the skills found in the tomb!

Cleopatra’s Beauty Or Brain: What Is Ultimate?

Queen Cleopatra considered herself a living Goddess and often used many props to make her appearance more divine! She especially used this approach when she was about to meet someone new or someone has come to her court to meet her. She used to prepare her maids to create a divine appearance.

Furthermore, stagecraft was an integral part of her life as she tried to use extra flair whenever she entered a courtroom! In 48 B.C, Julius Caesar came to visit her when there was a feud going on between her and her brother Cleopatra, Ptolemy XIII in Alexandria.

People tried to stop her from meeting the Roman General so what she did was tie herself in a carpet to meet Caesar! He was dazzled when she appeared in front of him in her royal garb taking his breath away. Both of them soon became lovers and allies.

A very similar theatrical style was implemented in her encounter with Mark Antony in 41 B.C.! She arrived on a golden barge looking like the Goddess Aphrodite as the oars that rowed the ship were made of silver.

Her canopy was gilded under which she sat with attendants who surrounded her dressed as cupids who burned sweet smelling incense along with fanning their queen! It was during this moment that Antony was completely enchanted as he imagined himself as the embodiment of Greek god Dionysus.

Her Beauty Was Often Identified As A Trap!

The beauty of Cleopatra was what drove people crazy but it was not just her beauty but her intellect considering she spoke several languages. At times, she was more intelligent as compared to the men around her.

She was well versed in astronomy, oratory, philosophy and mathematics! A lot of people stated that she had a large and hooked nose which often symbolized her masculinity and yet it was her irresistible charm that made her so desirable.

Finishing Off…

Now that you have read all about what the historians said about Queen Cleopatra and her looks, what do you think what did Cleopatra look like? In the article, I have informed all about the unique features of the Queen and why she was on a pedestal?

Not only her beauty, her achievement was also extended to the battlefield and it is due to that reason that we still can’t forget or stop our fascination with Cleopatra! Comment on what you feel regarding the beauty of Cleopatra and how it has influenced women, both ordinary and royalty to follow her lead!

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sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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