
You Will Shocked to Know That Australians Standing Straight Confirms That The Earth is Flat!

Australians standing straight confirms that the Earth is flat!

Can you imagine earth as a flat planet? Do you know that there are still people who believe the Earth is a flat planet? Did you think that the media plays an important role in encouraging these thoughts? In this article, I will be highlighting the scientifically discredited concept of flat earth!

You will get to learn how it has been discredited and yet it is a growing belief among people, especially Americans who are between the ages 18 to 24! The conversation is getting more traction every day and you will see a lot of Google searches on the topic.

So, do you believe that the Earth is flat? Or is it just your curiosity about all things scientific that has brought you to our article either way stay here and read more about it…

You Will Shocked to Know That Australians Standing Straight Confirms that The Earth is Flat!

Did you know that according to Chandra Jayasuriya, the cartographer at the University of Melbourne, at one point of time, people believed that the Earth was flat! Apparently if you take a ship and sail it on the horizon, you will never be able to get back.

However, over centuries of excluding exploration and discovery, it has been scientifically proven that the Earth is round. There were Greek philosophers whose stab list in the third century BC on Earth was round, so imagine before that people used to think that they were walking on a flat surface!

The question between flat earth and ground has been created because of the coordinates that differ. According to Ms Jayasurya, the original map of a flat earth which was rediscovered in 1300 AD was destroyed. Cartographers were unable to recreate this map.

Read the article to have more clarity regarding why experts inform that scientifically we have evidence that the Earth is round! However, there are people who distrust experts, especially from mainstream media because of one finger views along with distinction in overlapping information and authenticity!

Are You Sure That The World Is Round?

Based on the evaluation of geographer and Greek mathematician, Erastosthenes in 240 BC, the first circumference of earth was noted. It was based on an incident that happened in a town called Syene, today in the modern day as Aswan.

The reflection of the sun in a deep well directly overhead proved that the Earth must be round! It was also the angle of the sun with regards to one fifth of a circle which proved the theory. Apart from that, the angle of the sun was about 7°, which, if the Earth was flat, would have been identical in both places.

Based on further evaluation of the theory, it has also been observed that the latitude and longitude of different locations have been different. Is the earth round? If the Earth was flat, all these would be the same.

A Conspiracy Theory Or Just Overthinking?

The greatest number of people who believe in the earth being flat, belong to Argentina, and Australia! Do you question why that is? Do you question why people say that if the Earth was round people in Australia would be standing on their feet upside down?

It is important to understand that perception, but then it is also important to consider the overwhelming scientific evidence that keeps supporting that the Earth is an oblate spheroid.

There are some common arguments that the flat others present regarding why they think that the Earth is flat, hospital see theory is one of them. There has also been some scientific exploration regarding the way people have been if it was Flat!

Everybody, who lives in the northern latitudes, open sea or certain patterns of stars, which again circle back to them. However, according to the flat Earthers, the pattern of stars keeps changing across the whole flat area of earth, what they’re not considering is that the Earth is spinning due to which the patterns keep changing!

The Flat Earth Ecosystem…

There is a flat-out community on Facebook, did you know that? According to Dr Beckett, the flat-out community uses social media platforms to further their cause. However, proving that it’s a conspiracy theory by the gatekeepers of knowledge, authorities, government, and other organisations in a powerful position.

Facebook has become a one-stop shop for administrating. This hub of flat earth has Twitter supporting it. Of course, it helps that Elon musk, the founder of Twitter does hint that he believes in the story. Furthermore, there are several documentary channels on YouTube that are completely dedicated to the Flat earth concept.

It is an interesting beast, especially when the mainstream media constantly encourages conspiracy theory. However, there is a clear lack of evidence along with some individuals who believe in the extreme justification of the theory.

The reason why scientists and researchers keep saying no to the fact that it is not a flat earth is because it is not possible for a 3-D image to just put it as a 2-D representation of earth. However, the flat earthers are forced or convinced into thinking that it’s more for conspiracy theory than clean scientific evidence!

Critical Facts!

The philosophical idea that is employed by Flat. Authors is basically a Cartesian rule based on which nothing in the external world should be believed! Everything apart from the self is subject to uncertainty. This thought was made popular by a French mathematician, scientist and philosopher, Rene Descartes.

In 2018, the flat earthers increased in number significantly especially with all that scepticism around them.

Finishing Off…

Now that you have read about the concept where there might be a chance that Australians are standing straight, confirming that the Earth is flat, would you consider the scientific evidence supporting that the Earth is round? Furthermore, if you are living in Australia, do you wonder if you are standing on your feet upside down?

I would leave you thinking about it and consider if that is actually the case and you are just living in our enclosed section of the society while there is someone monitoring you.

Comment on what you think about the flat Earth theory and how it has influenced a certain section of people who believe in it!

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sagnika sinha
Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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