Are you curious about Egyptology? Do you ever wonder why other kings of Egypt tried to erase the existence of boy king Tutankhamun? Read the article to learn about the mystery shrouded around the final resting place of King Tutankhamun!
Was the mummification process of King Tut in haste? Were the people who were burying the King in a hurry? Was there a conspiracy around the boy king, and his story is being removed from history?
Explore the interesting facts in this article about Tutankhamun’s tomb and how it further shifts the focus on this King’s role in the history and success of Egypt!
Things That Will Surprise You About King Tutankhamun And His Final Resting Place!

Nobody knows when the boy king was born because there is no evidence or records tracing his birth. According to historians and Egyptologists, people have yet to determine who his parents were, so it will require some investigative work for the archaeologists to learn about the origin of King Tutankhamun.
His year of reign has been identified as the wine jars stored in his tomb are labeled with it! It has been deduced that the boy, when eight years old, inherited the throne in 1336BC. The oldest jars in the tomb were dated back to “year 10,” thus helping with the assumption.
The way history has tried to engulf the boy king it clear the perception and intent of his successor. Being the son of the heretic pharaoh, Akhenaten has cost King Tut a lot, literally his existence! Read along with some facts that are quite surprising to you!
Over 200lb Of Solid Gold Was Found In This Pharaoh’s Tomb!

Probably the son of the Pharoah Akhenaten, King Tut’s mother is still unknown, but many guess that might be Queen Nefertiti. In the tomb of King Tutankhamun, there were almost 100 pieces of gold artwork! They were revealed to the world for the first time nearly a century ago!
The world’s most expensive tomb belongs to the boy king, Tutankhamun, considering his innermost coffin was made of beaten sheets of gold, which is quite thick. The two more coffins are made of wood and covered with a gold sheet! It is nothing like Cleopatra’s position or the Tomb of Ancient Egypt!
The final resting place of King Tut is almost 110. kg of gold, which can be around 1 million pounds! What is more mysterious than so much gold accompanying a tomb if it is not special?
An Iron Dagger: The Favorite Possession Of Tutankhamun!

The mummy bandages wrapped around Tutankhamun are also covered with two daggers; one has a gold blade, while the other one has iron in it! The sheath of both the dagger is of gold. However, the iron dagger is his prized possession.
“Iron from the sky” for Tutankhamun was a precious and rare metal! The local artisans struggled at one point to create a rare meteorite iron. However, it was prized for him, especially with 16 miniature blades.
Heart Of Tutankhamun Is Not In Its Right Place

Based on the theory related to Tutankhamun’s death, it is possible that he was out hunting and drinking when he hurt himself. This led to him being far away from home; hence, when he was brought back after death or close to the end, the way the body was being preserved through artificial mummification.
When his body was being brought back, there was a high chance that the heart was not preserved or decayed, along with the undertakers, who were careless. Instead, they put an amuletic scarab, which has an inscription of a funerary spell.
Ostriches Were Favorite Of Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun loved hunting ostriches, which has been deduced from the Ostrich-feather fan that was found in the burial chamber! It was suspected that the chariot he was speeding was to hunt ostrich, and there is a high chance that the King loved hunting overall.
Why Was King Tut In A Second-Hand Coffin?

The successors were trying to be secretive about King Tut, especially with the way his mummy was snugly inside three sets of coffins, almost like Russian dolls. The coffins are placed in a rectangular stone casket during the funeral ritual!
The outer coffin was bigger where the toes of the sarcophagus peeked off, which impacted the lid as it could not close. Howard Carter discovered the tomb almost 3000 years later in the human-form coffins or anthropoid.
The human form was shaped basically in the form of the God of the dead Osiris, who is lying on his back, flailing with his crossed arms. Historians are judging that the reason King Tut was put in a second-hand coffin was because there was no preparation for his death!
The death was sudden as the theory suggests that King Tut fell from a speeding chariot, breaking his knee, which later turned into an infection, especially because he had got severe malaria! Leading to a hasty mummification process!
Tutankhamun Was Not His Original Name

Are we unable to trace back the origin of King Tutankhamun? The biggest reason is because it is not his original name! You are unable to understand the significance of the character traits of the King, especially with no evidence.
His original name was Tutankhaten, which means “living image of the Aten,” which shows that the parents of the boy king worshipped a sun God named “the Aten” and banned all other gods! The boy, however, when he got the throne, changed back to the worshipping of God Amun, the one who knows the King of the Gods!
This further encouraged him to change his name to Tutankhamun, the “living image of Amun”! There are almost five names of the King of Egypt, which formed short sentences establishing his reign.
- Nomen: Tutankhamun
- Prenomen: Nebkheperure
- Golden Horus Name: God’s appearance in an elevated form
- Two Ladies Name: making the content of all the Gods or the Beautiul of laws who quenches the two lands
- Horus Name: Image of births
Riches Buried In Tomb…
Now that you know some mysterious and interesting facts about the tomb of Tutankhamun, wonder what else is hidden in those crypts?
There are facts that we still don’t know about the death of Tutankhamun and how it happened! So basically, the boy king was also known as the manifestation of the lord; the Sun God is in him!
Comment to let us know how it is quite interesting that he was being completely erased from the pages of history!
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